The first and probably most important tip is make sure that all items being used are clean before brewing. The different components of the espresso machine, the shot holder, and the ingredients must all be in perfect condition. Making sure that all these materials are clean helps make the espresso have its own, original taste each time it is brewed.
Once all items are thoroughly cleaned, the coffee and espresso grounds must be fresh and ground to the right level of fineness. Mix both coffee and espresso together to give the shot a kick and the right taste. If the beans are ground too fine or too coarse, the flavor will most definitely be lacking. About 7 grams of finely ground coffee will usually satisfy most taste buds.
Once the machine is cleaned and the coffee materials are taken care of, a good brewer knows exactly how to work their espresso machine. Make certain that it is plugged in before using and that all the required levels of water, coffee, and espresso are being fed to the correct parts of the machine. Once turned on, the espresso shot itself should take only a few seconds to brew.
When trying to make a good shot of espresso, a good brewer takes a certain factors into account. First, they must make sure that all apparatus is clean to maximize flavor. Ground coffee to the correct level of fineness and use the espresso machine correctly. After some practice, it is not unreasonable to expect your espresso to taste just as good as Starbucks!