Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to Buy Good Quality Coffee?

Oh, there is truly nothing more frustrating than buying coffee that is not as good as it seemed. It can definitely ruin your day to take a sip of a cup of Joe that doesn't live up to its reputation, so you do need to make sure that you heed these purchasing tips when buying your coffee for home use.

First of all, find out the roast date. This is something important for you to understand the freshness of the roast of your coffee since coffee should be consumed 10 to 14 days after roasting. As a rule of thumb, it is not a good idea to purchase coffee from a grocery store because it will be stale. Also, if you are someone that drinks decaf coffee, it is best to purchase from a roaster because decaf coffee can sit on the grocery store shelves for up to six months because it is less often purchased. Shocking! As a rule of thumb, it is best to enjoy your coffee a few days after it has been roasted, and make sure to seal it in an opaque, airtight container for maximum freshness.

The next tip is to grind what you will brew. You also must freshly grind your coffee beans every time that you brew because freshly ground coffee beans will go stale within 30 seconds. This is imperative to protect the essential oils within the coffee beans since they will become damaged when they are oxidized and exposed to air. Once the essential oils are damaged, there goes the flavor of your coffee along with it. As soon as you grind the coffee beans, they will start to lose their natural flavors. There are different grind consistencies necessary for various brew methods. As an example, if you are using an automatic coffee maker, the grind consistency should be medium, like granulated sugar. If you are using a French Press, the coffee grounds need to be very coarse. You will need a very fine ground for espresso or Turkish coffee that is similar to a powder.

Lastly, make sure to store your coffee beans with the right method to have a better taste in your brew. Although rumor has led many people to store their coffee beans in their freezer, do not do it! Coffee beans are porous and delicate, and they will absorb the flavors of what is around them. The coffee can begin to taste bad if you have fish or other foods in your freezer, and freezing coffee will also damage the essential oils to completely ruin the natural flavors of the coffee beans. You must store your coffee beans in a dry and cool location in an airtight and opaque container.

So there you have it! These are the best methods for storing your coffee beans so that you can protect their delicate flavors and constantly enjoy a delicious and rich cup of Joe. Even these subtle changes will make a dramatic difference in the coffee that you buy, and you will notice a much fresher flavor in your cup of Joe!

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